Foot infiltrations in Malaga
General Podiatry
Foot infiltrations in consultation are a great therapeutic tool. There is a wide variety of podiatric pathologies susceptible to infiltration. They can be intra-articular or extra-articular, although those frequently performed in clinical practice are applied in soft tissues such as, for example:
Nowadays there is a wide variety of drugs that can be infiltrated in each case and always assessing risk/benefit. Depending on the physical characteristics of our patient, activity, injury and location of the injury.
It is very important to inform our patients of the risks that the technique may entail, which is why the “Informed Consent” is indispensable.
“Since this is an invasive technique, at Clínica del Pie la Malagueta we always perform this procedure under ultrasound guidance”.
So today we have at our disposal:
Corticosteroids are the substance with the greatest anti-inflammatory power that exists, and can be used in both chronic and acute injuries. It is true that this type of infiltration works much better in acute injuries (up to 6 weeks) than in chronic injuries (more than 6 months) where tissue damage has already occurred.
We are all afraid of the needle, that is undeniable, and perhaps this fear makes the treatment seem like a painful technique. It bothers less than people think. But as always it will depend on the pain threshold of each person and the anatomical region to be treated.
A priori, infiltration in the foot is not the first choice technique to treat a patient, first we must try conservative treatments: Bandages, stretches, Insoles… If the patient does not show improvement or it has been very slight, this is where we can consider do an infiltration as an aid to the previous treatments.
As always, the choice of infiltration or not will depend on the degree of injury, the time of evolution and the needs of our patient.
If you have any questions about our services or need more information do not hesitate to contact us, we will respond as soon as possible.
We listen to you and look for the best solution for your case.