Neuromuscular bandages in Malaga


General Podiatry

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General Podiatry

How does it work?


Neuromuscular taping is also known as kinesiotaping, neuromyofascial taping or medical taping. The main advantage over traditional bandages is that the muscle or tendon is not immobilized, which, depending on the degree of injury, helps to recover faster.


Neuromuscular taping relieves pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by lifting the skin at a microscopic level. The tape strip forms convolutions in the skin that increase the interstitial space.

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More information about Neuromuscular Bandages in Málaga

The result is that the decrease in pressure means that the pain receptors are no longer stimulated and nociceptive stimuli are no longer sent through the nervous system, and thus the pain disappears.


The decrease in interstitial pressure in turn favors lymphatic drainage, allowing better emptying of the channels and facilitating lymphatic circulation and therefore the elimination of waste substances.

Are there any contraindications?

Its application may be contraindicated:

  • Wounds: as it is a non-sterile bandage, the neuromuscular bandage should not be applied directly on a wound.
  • Allergies: Allergies to the bandage material are rare, but if they occur, it should not be used. In children it is important to use a test strip before making an application.
  • Fragile or irritated skin: we must observe the state of the skin before the application of kinesiotape, and in case of applying the bandage, be very careful with the tensions that we apply.
  • Sunburn.
  • Skin diseases: psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc.
  • Severe trauma: its use is contraindicated until a concrete diagnosis of the injuries is obtained.
  • Thrombosis: may cause the release of a thrombus by increasing circulation.
  • Dynamic type edema (of cardiac or renal origin): in these cases we should not increase blood and lymphatic circulation further.
  • Cancer and metastasis: in these cases we should not further increase blood and lymphatic circulation.
  • Diabetes: it can cause decompensations in glucose levels by varying the need for insulin if we apply the kinesiotape in the areas where insulin is injected, as it can increase its absorption.
  • Pregnancy: we must pay special attention to the areas where we apply the neuromuscular bandage, since due to the segmental relationships we can influence the uterus or the hypophysis-hypothalamus-ovarian axis.
  • Lack of results: if after 2 or 3 applications there are no results, we must look for other treatment alternatives.

What podiatric injuries can you help me with?

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Posterior tibial injuries
  • Grade I and II sprains
  • Peroneal injuries
  • Achilles Tendinopathies
  • Twin Ruptures
  • Extensor or flexor foot injuries
  • Morton’s neuroma

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Other podiatry services at Clínica del Pie

Advanced Biomechanics

We study your physical shape


Non-traumatic surgical interventions

Ultrasound surgery

Surgical techniques

Aesthetic podiatry

Eliminates complexes

Ultrasound-guided infiltrations

Minimally invasive technique

Foot ultrasound

Exploratory tests

Contact us for whatever you need

If you have any questions about our services or need more information do not hesitate to contact us, we will respond as soon as possible.





C. Maestranza, 21, 1º1, 29016 Málaga

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