Ultrasound-guided surgery Baxter’s neuropathy


Ultrasound surgery

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Clínica del pie la Malagueta leader in minimally invasive surgery in Malaga

Are you suffering from sharp pain, burning or numbness in the inner ankle or arch of the foot? Don’t worry! Often these symptoms are related to a neuropathy or also called Baxter’s neuritis and in the Clínica del Pie la Malagueta we offer an innovative approach to the treatment of Baxter’s neuritis, minimally invasive ultrasound surgery and radiofrequency.


Unfortunately it is usually a misdiagnosed pathology and therefore worse treated, the patient comes a long time suffering from the ailment and always diagnosed with fasciitis, if you have been a long time with pain in the heel and the proven treatments do not work, we recommend you to approach your problem in another way and visit professional experts in foot pathology.

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More information about Baxter’s Neuritis in Malaga

What is Baxter's neuropathy or neuritis?

Baxter’s neuritis is a common condition affecting the first calcaneal nerve branch that originates from the lateral plantar nerve and this lesion was described by Dr. Baxter, hence its name.


This condition is more common in people who spend a lot of time on their feet, people with recurrent injuries such as ankle sprains or improper footwear that may put pressure on the nerve.


Unfortunately it is usually a misdiagnosed pathology and therefore worse treated, the patient comes a long time suffering from the ailment and always diagnosed with fasciitis, if you have been a long time with pain in the heel and the proven treatments do not work, we recommend you to approach your problem in another way and visit professional experts in foot pathology.

What are the symptoms of Baxter's neuropathy?

Typical symptoms of Baxter’s neuropathy are chronic medial foot and plantar pain resembling plantar fasciitis including sharp or stabbing pain in the heel or arch of the foot. It is very common for me to receive patients who have been suffering from heel pain for years, who have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and who do not improve with any treatment, and it is even very typical that they get worse with insoles.

Other symptoms may be muscle atrophy , or not being able to open the little finger .


When plantar fasciitis-related treatments fail due to misdiagnosis, minimally invasive ultrasound surgery for Baxter’s neuropathy becomes necessary.


If you suffer from Baxter’s Neuritis and are looking for an effective solution for your persistent pain, at the La Malagueta Foot Clinic, our expert podiatric surgeons, Dr. Hidalgo and Dr. Rubén Montes, offer you a cutting-edge option for the treatment of plantar fasciitis: surgery ecoguided.
Nuestro equipo de doctores con una amplia experiencia y altamente cualificados han implementado la cirugía ecográfica en Málaga como una alternativa innovadora y precisa para abordar esta condición de manera efectiva.

The surgery combines high-resolution ultrasound with advanced surgical techniques, allowing for real-time visualization of the affected structures in the foot. This means that our specialists can precisely identify the inflamed area and perform the procedure with greater accuracy, minimizing the risk of damaging surrounding healthy tissues.


The difference with traditional surgery is that it requires a very large dissection of the area generating a large scar and also the scar tissue is more rigid than normal tissue and in most cases, in the future, it will re-trap the nerve.


The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and with the continuous guidance of a high resolution ultrasound scanner, two 2mm incisions are made with an almost imperceptible needle which, for the patient, is like an infiltration but lasts approximately 1 hour where the nerve is decompressed.

How is the recovery from ultrasound surgery for Baxter's neuritis in Malaga?

In the recovery with this technique, the patient walks out of the office or operating room and no stitches are used. The return to work is progressive, depending on the professional activity of each individual, but in many cases does not require sick leave.

Other podiatry services at Clínica del Pie

Advanced Biomechanics

We study your physical shape


Non-traumatic surgical interventions

Ultrasound surgery

Surgical techniques

Aesthetic podiatry

Eliminates complexes

Ultrasound-guided infiltrations

Minimally invasive technique

Foot ultrasound

Exploratory tests

Other podiatry services at Clínica del Pie

Advanced Biomechanics

We study your physical shape


Non-traumatic surgical interventions

Ultrasound surgery

Surgical techniques

Aesthetic podiatry

Eliminates complexes

Ultrasound-guided infiltrations

Minimally invasive technique

Foot ultrasound

Exploratory tests

Contact us for whatever you need

If you have any questions about our services or need more information do not hesitate to contact us, we will respond as soon as possible.






C. Maestranza, 21, 1º1, 29016 Málaga

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