Nail fungus laser treatment in Málaga


Aesthetic podiatry

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Are you worried about the image of your nails?

Do you want to get rid of nail fungus at once? Looking for an effective laser onychomycosis treatment? The laser treatment for fungal nails in Malaga of our center is what you need. Our Clinic has the solution for you.

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More information about Laser treatment for nail fungus in Málaga

What are mushrooms?

Skin fungi or mycoses are skin infections caused by parasitization. In our foot clinic la malagueta we know how uncomfortable fungi are when we see them on our skin, but do we know what they are? Fungi are living microorganisms that live on moist surfaces and there are more than 100,000 different species.

But we can detect them in our nails by observing malformations in them or how they acquire a very unpleasant image. We see that, little by little, the natural nail is being destroyed. Occasionally, or eventually, they end up causing pain when walking.

Onychomycosis is the medical nomenclature given to the pathology consisting of fungal infection of the nails. Toenail and fingernail fungus is one of the most common infections in a large part of the world’s population. According to several studies it is known that 80% of the population present or will present alterations in the appearance, shape and color of their nails,

The contagion of this pathology may be due to different factors and is much more frequent in the elderly population, diabetics or immunosuppressed and in people who frequent swimming pools, locker rooms, gyms, as well as in professions that require the use of closed shoes, especially in hot and humid environments such as in Malaga.


It is very important to diagnose onychomycosis and carry out an elimination treatment as soon as possible.

In recent years, podiatry has treated nail fungus with antifungal lacquers, oral antifungals, mechanical cleaning with milling, among others, which in most cases only attack the infection in a very superficial way.

The inclusion of oral antifungal treatments, on the other hand, have proven to be very effective but also hepatotoxic in some situations and with great side effects at the gastric level.

For this reason we know that the incorporation of new technologies in our clinic such as the latest generation laser LaserCure4® we can help solve more cases of onychomycosis with the least side effects for our patients, as well as achieve better results in a shorter period of time..


We are very proud to say that the laser we have at our disposal is currently the most advanced and safest for this pathology.

How does our laser treatment work?

The first thing to tell you is that before starting the treatment it is necessary and absolutely advisable to perform a culture, this culture will take approximately three or four weeks to offer us the result of the sample, only in cases where the culture is positive could we begin with laser treatment.


This will avoid treating patients who only present atrophies or deformities of their nail but do not have active infections that can be treated, we are too used to see patients who come with nail deformities and have been treated for a long time when they do not really have any infection so the appearance of their nail will never change. With the consequent loss of time and money.

Dicho lo cual , recordarte que el tratamiento para eliminar hongos en las uñas en Málaga en cero invasivo y cero doloroso para ti.


Nuestro LaserCure4®, incorpora 4 longitudes de onda distintas que puedes ser utilizadas en combinación.


Puede tratar diferentes tipos de onicomicosis y es adecuado para tratar pacientes con inmunodepresión o con problemas hepáticos o renales ya que es un tratamiento simple, sin toxicidad y sin apenas efectos adversos. El Laser trabaja aumentado la temperatura de las uñas, llevándola a más de 40 grados centígrados y de esta forma conseguimos eliminar los hongos y esporas por calor.

Does laser treatment against fungus in Malaga give good results?

Of course, not only can you get good results for nail fungus removal, but you will also be able to keep it from coming back in just a few sessions. It should be noted that in some cases the patient needs a reminder dose during the following years to prevent the appearance of new fungal infections, as well as specific hygiene and drying rules to prevent any appearance.

How many sessions are necessary?

The treatment of onychomycosis by laser is performed by Dr. Hidalgo’s assessment. Statistically we know that between 8 and 12 sessions are usually necessary, but sometimes less or more are required, it will always depend on each case and the complementary treatments we are using such as lacquers or oral treatment.

Is laser treatment alone sufficient to eliminate my fungus?

Normally not, other complementary treatments will be necessary that can help us recover the appearance of the nail as soon as possible and maintain it over time.

Personally I like to evaluate each case independently and decide if the patient will need the application of latest generation antifungal lacquers, oral treatments or even a combination of the 3 treatments, as I have said previously it will always depend on the severity of the case and time of evolution.

What are the discomforts or aftercare of the treatment?

This treatment is completely painless. In addition, the return to daily life after each treatment session is immediate and the use of nail polish that does not contain iron or magnesium is allowed during treatment. Although I personally do not recommend that patients paint their nails during the treatment since, as we said before, we may need to use other types of treatments between each laser session (antifungal lacquers). Nail polishes usually do not help at all during treatment.

Laser has no side effects for the patient and does not generate any type of wound or scar.

Does the laser eliminate any type of onychomycosis?

The laser acts on all types of Dermatophyte onychomycosis (distal and lateral subungual onychomycosis, superficial white onychomycosis, proximal white subungual onychomycosis and total dystrophic onychomycosis) and non-Dermatophyte onychomycosis.

Treatment will vary according to the case, age of the infection, size of the affected area, patient hygiene, footwear, daily activity, physical activity, possibility of superinfection with other microorganisms and the presence of other nail pathologies or systemic pathologies that may delay the improvement of the nail’s appearance.

How long should I wait to see results?

Toenails are generated at a cycle of approximately 1 mm per month, once the session is completed is scheduled laser nail will grow as it had been doing to date, therefore we do not increase the growth or growth rate of the nail with treatment, only eliminate the infection that spoils the appearance of the nail, the visible results of the nails will depend on the involvement of the nail, but usually begin to see visible changes between three and six months. A picture is worth a thousand words. With each patient we treat, we perform a photographic study of evolution, taking pictures at different time intervals to measure how the nail evolves.

The laser can be used in all patients who have fungal nail infections.

No, it would be totally contraindicated in the following cases.


  • Patients undergoing cancer treatment
  • Exudative wounds
  • Coagulation disorders
  • Epilepsy
  • Active dermal processes

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Other podiatry services at Clínica del Pie

Advanced Biomechanics

We study your physical shape


Non-traumatic surgical interventions

Ultrasound surgery

Surgical techniques

Aesthetic podiatry

Eliminates complexes

Ultrasound-guided infiltrations

Minimally invasive technique

Foot ultrasound

Exploratory tests

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If you have any questions about our services or need more information do not hesitate to contact us, we will respond as soon as possible.





C. Maestranza, 21, 1º1, 29016 Málaga

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