Ingrown toenail treatment in Málaga


General Podiatrist

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General Podiatrist

Ingrown toenails are one of the main problems that affect any age group that comes to the doctor’s office.


This is not just a problem affecting children and adolescents as is often thought. There are people who live with this problem on a monthly and constant basis and have to go to the doctor on a regular basis.


The problem can be due to many causes (genetic, bad nail cutting, nail shape, trauma, infections…) whatever the cause of the problem, the symptoms suffered by patients are the same, a stabbing pain at the edge of the nail that is sometimes accompanied by inflammation and infection.


We have all been nailed at some point and it is a nuisance that can even disable the development of our normal activity.

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More information about Ingrown toenail treatment in Málaga

How can the Podiatrist help me with my ingrown toenail?

A large number of patients come occasionally because they are bothered by the lateral edge of the skin surrounding their nail and this causes continuous discomfort. In this sense, it is easy to solve the problem by cutting the nail correctly, identifying the fragment (spicule) and removing it, the patient instantly notices the sensation of improvement and relief.


If this is the first time you go to a podiatrist for this problem, you can rest assured that the procedure is not painful at all and in a few minutes you will see your problem solved to start your activity immediately.


On the other hand, there are cases of patients who suffer from the same problem continuously and almost monthly. In these patients, the same technique described above is used, while paying special attention to the lateral channel through which the nail runs in order to leave the area clean and thus lengthen the next visits.


Sometimes the problem is much worse and the appearance of the nail and skin is accompanied by severe infection and inflammation. The tissue near the nail presents a totally inflamed appearance and is accompanied by a purulent infection that represents a terrible pain for our patient. In these cases the Podiatrist’s help is essential because we know the right techniques to solve your problem no matter how serious it is.

Do I need surgery to solve my ingrown toenail problem?

Many times the problem is so recurrent and serious that the solution is to intervene on the affected toe.


We recommend surgery to our patient when:

  • The problem is common in the patient’s life and needs our help repeatedly over time.
  • The finger has a significant infection and inflammation.

I have decided to undergo surgery and solve my problem for good.

Each case will be evaluated on a personal basis and always under a strict review of the patient’s medical history, personal characteristics, radiology, etc. …..


Nail surgery is considered a minor outpatient procedure. This means that the patient will come out of the procedure on his or her own feet and the procedure lasts approximately 30 minutes.


There are different surgical techniques and each one has its advantages and disadvantages, therefore, it is necessary to make a choice depending on the characteristics of the finger, the patient and his activity. It is of utmost importance to take a good medical history of our patient to know his medication, medical history, professional activity…


With any proposed technique, the patient will be able to return to his/her daily life immediately with certain restrictions, such as: not getting the operated foot wet until we allow him/her to do so, not practicing impact physical exercise for some time, not spending long days standing for the first few days…..


The treatment protocol is stipulated according to the opinion of each professional, I particularly like to do a continuous follow-up because I consider the post-operative period a fundamental part of the process. The estimated time from the intervention to the patient’s discharge ranges from 3 to 6 weeks depending on the type of intervention and the characteristics of our patient.

Do I need to unsubscribe for this procedure?

The sick leave will depend on the patient’s job. If the patient spends long working days standing, needs to carry weight or must walk a lot, it is advisable for the sake of his finger and to minimize discomfort to limp for a few days (7-10 days).


The patient will be able to drive without any problem from the very first moment.


“It is of the utmost importance to us that the patient receives all the information he needs and clarifies all his doubts during his first or subsequent visits”.

Other podiatry services at Clínica del Pie

Advanced Biomechanics

We study your physical shape


Non-traumatic surgical interventions

Ultrasound surgery

Surgical techniques

Aesthetic podiatry

Eliminates complexes

Ultrasound-guided infiltrations

Minimally invasive technique

Foot ultrasound

Exploratory tests

Other podiatry services at Clínica del Pie

Advanced Biomechanics

We study your physical shape


Non-traumatic surgical interventions

Ultrasound surgery

Surgical techniques

Aesthetic podiatry

Eliminates complexes

Ultrasound-guided infiltrations

Minimally invasive technique

Foot ultrasound

Exploratory tests

Contact us for whatever you need

If you have any questions about our services or need more information do not hesitate to contact us, we will respond as soon as possible.





C. Maestranza, 21, 1º1, 29016 Málaga

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